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Leave Analytics
Suha Aker avatar
Written by Suha Aker
Updated over 11 months ago

Leave analytics provides information that can assist an administrator to decide whether a leave request can be approved. The analytics will assist admins in making well-informed rostering decisions and to plan ahead regarding their staffing.

Leave Analytics are available on the leave approval page.

On the right side, an 'Analytics' section is displayed with three tabs: 1) User data, 2) Other users' leave, and 3) Analytics.

  1. User Data:

    The data displayed on the 'User Data' page correspond to the data related to a particular staff member. It shows only the data corresponding to the dates of the leave request.

    Data on this page can include:

    1. Any published shifts (in blue).

    2. Any draft shift (in yellow)

    3. Any templated activities (in pink)

    4. Other pending leave requests that conflict with the request (in orange)

    5. Existing approved leave (in green)

  2. Other users' leave:

    The data displayed on the 'Other user's leave' page show how many users on each day over the requested date range have approved leave.

    You can add filters to the role, teams, skills, and leave type (A).

    The data will be displayed according to the selected filters (B). The numbers designate the total number of leave for the selected filters.

    If the checkbox for 'show unallocated and templated leave users' is ticked, HosPortal shows the number of people with approved leave who have a template working session on that day, followed by the total number of users with approved leave. For example 3/6 means 6 people have approved leave, but only 3 of them are templated to work on that day.

  3. Analytics:

    The information presented on the 'Analytics' page shows whether there is a surplus or deficit of users to fill the rosters on each day. It compares the detailed staffing requirements for each day with the available users and their availability, roles, skills, and teams.

    You can select different filters to display the data, for a role or roster of roster type and for different template status (C).

    The data will be displayed according to the selected filters (D). This analysis is done for each roster group, so admins should filter for each roster group separately to fully assess the impact of approving leave.

    Where the number is positive, it shows the count of surplus users available on that day to fill the selected rosters in that roster group. A score of zero means that there is exactly the right number of users to fill the required shifts in that roster group.

    Where there is negative, the number indicates the additional users that would be needed on that day to fulfill the shift requirements.

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