You can manage invoices individually, set up automated invoice transmissions and edit and review the status of invoices.
Before you can send invoices you need to set up your billing details and set the billing rates.
Reviewing shifts
On your invoices page under your profile (A), you can review all your shifts and their status (B) by searching over any date range (C). The status of the shift (D) will show whether each shift has been included in an invoice, and whether you have marked them as paid. The appliable rate for the shift is shown.
To invoice a shift, select the appropriate shift and click 'Send invoice' (E). When you send an invoice it is automatically sent to the email address defined by your facility. You will also receive an invoice to your email address.
Once a shift has been invoiced you can review the invoice it was included in by selecting 'Download' (D).
Reviewing invoices
The Invoices tab (F) will show all the invoices sent over the selected date range (G), the number and type of shifts included, the date that the invoice was sent, and the status of each invoice (paid or unpaid).
For each invoice you can download it, mark it as paid, and void it (cancel the invoice).
HosPortal does not automatically mark invoices as paid. You need to mark them as paid yourself.
Correcting invoices
If an invoice has been sent incorrectly, or has included incorrect rates, void the incorrect invoice. This will mark the shifts as uninvoiced. Your can then generate a new invoice with the updated details.
HosPortal does not issue credit notes.
Resending invoices
To resend an invoice you can download it to resend manually, or void the invoice and create a new one.