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How to populate users on Activity-based rosters
How to populate users on Activity-based rosters
Suha Aker avatar
Written by Suha Aker
Updated over a week ago

After building the templates for your rosters, the next step for the site administrator is to populate the users in order to get to publishing a roster.

There are three different ways to populate the users on activity-based rosters (on-call):

  1. Creating user templates

  2. Use the Multi-select function

  3. Shift by shift

In the following section, we detail each method and provide instructions on its usage:

1. Create user templates:

If you have users with repeated shifts, this would be the most efficient way to populate the users:

Click on the 'Templates' button:

The following page will open. Click on the (+) icon (A), then populate the following fields:

  • Select User (B)

  • Define the repeat cycle (C)

  • Define the shift days (D)

After assigning the users and their repeat shifts, click on 'Save'.

2. Use the Multi-select function:

If there is no specific pattern for users, but you would like to allocate users on several shifts with the least possible clicks, go to 'Edit' then click on the 'Multi-select' button:

Select several shifts that you would like to assign a user to (E), then click on Bulk edit (F), then add user (G).

A pop-window will appear with the list of users, select the user and click on Draft or Publish.

3. Shift by shift:

Click on the 'Edit' button:

The templates (in pink page) will open. Click on a shift and select the user you would like to have assigned for the selected shift:

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