A new, more flexible, and comprehensive reporting method has been introduced for generating reports on rosters, shifts, and staff.
To access the new reporting feature, go to Admin -> Roster reports.
Old reports and reporting tools are still accessible under 'legacy' admin options.
There are different type of reports that you may generate. As it is in a raw data format, it provides you with the flexibility to create pivot tables and make your own analytics.
Default Reports:
There are system default reports have been pre-configured and saved for your site:
1- Shift reports: include almost any information about a shift, including shift start/end time, users on the shift, their roles, notes, tags ..etc.
There are three types of default system shift reports:
rawShifts: each row has information about a shift, which includes the start and end time, the individuals doing the shift, their roles, and notes about the shift..etc.
rawShiftsCancelled: include information about cancelled shifts.
rawShiftsHistory: include historical information about the changes that happened for a shift
2- Assignment reports: similar to the shifts report, this type of report is more granular as it provides almost any information about each slot/assignment within a shift.
There are five types of of default system assignment reports:
rawAssignments: each row has information about a slot, which includes the start and end time, the person doing the assignment, their role, and any other relevant information
rawHistory: include historical information about any change that happened at an assignment level
rawTemplates: each row includes information about user templates
rawVacantAssignments: include information about vacant assignments.
vacantTemplates: include information about vacant templates at assignment level.
3- Staff reports, which include a row for each user along with their data count.
There are seven types of of default system staff reports:
Staff days of week - v1: includes the count of staff shifts grouped by weekdays and weekends.
Staff days of week - v2: includes the count of staff shifts grouped by weekdays.
Staff Holidays: include the count of users' holiday shifts.
Staff Multiple: include the count of users' shifts that has more than one staff per shift.
Staff Overtime Hours: include the count of users' shift durations with overtime (in hours).
Staff Seniority: include the statistics for staff seniority.
Staff Template: include the count for user shifts that were built from templates.
3- Matrix reports are dynamic ones that display the count for your choice of the row headers and row columns.
There are five types of of default system matrix reports:
matrixCancelledByRoster: includes the count of total cancelled shifts or user assignments for each roster on a row.
matrixMultipleStaffByRoster: includes the shifts with more than one staff for each roster on a row.
matrixRoleTotals: includes the count of the total worked for each role on a row.
matrixRosterTotals: includes the count of the total worked for each roster on a row.
matrixStaffWithStaff: includes the count of how many times each user works with another.
How to generate a report:
To display the report, click on 'View' next to the type of report you wish to download.
A popup window will appear. Make your own changes to the date range and filters, then click on 'Generate report' to download it:
(Please note that the below screenshot is not a full display of the complete popup window)
Creating a New Report:
To create a new raw report, click on '+Create new raw report':
You may change the headers by deleting the default ones and/or adding more. To add headers, click on '+Add headers':
If you wish to save the report with the parameters you defined, click on 'Save' and the report will be added to the list of the reports for your site.