Sometimes another user agrees to do a portion of your shift, but not all of it. Commonly called "splitting" a shift.
If your hospital permits "gifting" of shifts, you can also split a shift.
1. Click on your shift on your dashboard.
2. You will be given all your available options for swapping, gifts or marketing your shift. Choose "Submit a pre-arranged split" by clicking on it.
3. A dialog will appear which will allow you to pick the time that the shift is split, the other person who is doing part of your shift, and which of you does the start and end of the shift.
By clicking on the Select User, you will be able to choose from a list of users as shown below:
You can change either user dropdown, but your name must be in at least one of them. The time can be anytime between the start and the end of this shift.
4. Once you've chosen the other user and the time, press "save". You and the other user will receive an email notification.